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Preparing for Mastering

Creating a new body of music from the ground up is stressful. Here are some simple guidelines to help you get the best possible final product and the greatest benefit from mastering.

  • Always, Always, Always record, mix, and bounce at 24-bit resolution or higher.
  • Bounce your mixes at the exact resolution the individual tracks were recorded at.
  • Do NOT use an EQ or a limiter on the mixbuss.
  • If you must use a compressor on the mixbuss, take off a max of 2dB. Less is preferred.
  • Please keep the peaks of your mixes around -4 to -6dBFS.
  • Only WAV or AIFF files are acceptable — no mp3 or mp4 files, please.
  • Please decide the song order of your album before mastering.
  • Know if you or your label will be providing ISRC codes and a UPC label.
  • Know the final resolutions you'll need, e.g. DDP, 44.1kHz/16-bit, 48kHz/24-bit, etc.


I charge "per minute of recorded music," because I think it works out best for everyone. You don't end up paying a large per-track fee for a 30-second interlude, and I don't master a 12-minute track for $80.

Full-Length Albums:
More than 30 minutes in running time and/or 7 tracks.
$19 per minute

Less than 30 minutes in running time and/or 7 tracks.
$20.25 per minute

1 or 2 tracks.
$21 per minute

Additional Vinyl Mastering:
For albums that are also doing CD Mastering:
Add 45% to the total mastering fee

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